Suggestion for finding soldiers info
I am looking for a family of Lars Lindblad. Patronymic name not known at present. Born about 1795-1810. Likely in Södermanland county. Believed to be in Strängnäs 1828. As other info is limited I thought soldier search might be helpful.. Grateful for any help or suggestions. TIA . Deniese
What is the fist verified information that you have on Lars Lindblad? Marriage, Him being with his wife and children in some church record? What record and where?
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Good afternoon Heidi. My question regarding Lars is twofold. I am still trying to find my 3rd great grandmother and her parents. 1851-55 and 46-50 Krontorp, Visnum exam record list her as Sofia Larsdotter Lindblad. With your help we have her back traced to 41-45 Visnum, 43-60 Hjälstad, 43-60 Mo, and 1842 Skövde. I looked through Skövde lands- do not see her. Skövde stands- do not find her in moving records. The exams list her birth 11/4/28 Strängnäs. 1842 she is 14. Likely still living with parents/ siblings. Based on name she is listed under I am thinking her father is Lars Lindblad. My brick wall. I will gladly search page by page but do not know where at this point. As always so thankful for your help. Deniese
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Yes, if Sofia is named as Sofia Larsdotter Lindblad then her father is Lars Lindblad. 14 year old was not too young to move on her own to be piga, maid.
So, last verified place for her is from Mo, where it say, that she came from Skövde? Did I understand correctly? If so, then please tell what exact page, or give link to that page.
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This is link to Mo 1843-60 .