Can someone help improve the meaning of this Finnish death notice?
Isämme ja ukkimme
Lapset ja lastenlapset
Terttu ja Elsa
Isä, tuli vuorosi lähteä,
Nyt aika on levätä fun.
Siunaus toimitettu
Kiitämme osanotosta.
Google translate gave me:
Our father and thunder
children and grandchildren,
Terttu and Elsa.
Dad, it was your turn to leave,
Now, it’s time to rest for fun.
Blessing delivered in privacy.
Thank you for your participation.
You got it almost right.
Our father and granddad (there are several words that mean granddad: ukki, vaari, pappa, these are 3 most common)
Children and grandchildren
Terttu and Elsa
Father, it was your turn to leave,
Now it is time to rest. (This "fun" it is not finnish and I have no idea why it is there and it clearly doesn't belong here, I am native Finnish)
Sten (some name perhaps?)
Blessing delivered in silence. (means that funeral service was held without public notification, just within close family)
Thank you for your condolences.
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Thank you so much! Google Translate can only do so much. This sounds much better!!
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Do you have the original death notice? That "fun" and "Sten" they do not seem to belong there and I wonder where did you get them.
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I typed fun - it was sun. Sten was a name of one of the sons.
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Ok, now it makes sense. Sun is a short/poetic version from sinun and it means your(yours).
Nyt aika on levätä sun. = Now it is your time to rest.