Preserving years of genealogical research:
Some years back I made contact with a lady named Darla - I think in her 80's or 90's who had spent decades researching numerous families, had compiled various books (none in digital format), had for many years maintained various extensive FTM databases. Had collected thousands of photos, and had tons of research papers.
She clearly wanted to preserve her research for future generations.
But she had gotten to the age that learning something new was not an option.
and by no means would she even be able to scratch the surface as far as keypunching her data into FamilySearch (only to have it overlaid by other subsequent researchers)
Using many of the techniques I have discussed in prior posts
I was with time able to scan many many thousands of pages (using high speed scanning) of her research, scan hundreds of photos, preserve database of tens of thousands of records, and place it in formats that other researchers could leverage.
and do so in multiple sites/formats.
Here is one format of her information on a web site front end.
Her data is also available in Family Search Memories in jpg and pdf format as well as an Ancestry.com tree.
Using the right tools and the right approach it isnt quite as difficult as one may first think to take something like her collection of many many thousands of records - and digitally preserve it - - -though clearly it was a serious project.
Related posts I have made - of techniques and tools anyone can use in facilitating the preservation of large genealogical collections - especially those in paper format
@Yancey/Yancy Family Genealogy
@Family History Research
@United States Genealogy Research
@FamilySearch Tips and Tricks
@Donna Drury
@Gail S Watson
@How Things Work
Wow, that's an amazing project! I'm sure she was very grateful!