Translate short letter and next steps?

I used Google translate and think I got the whole meaning, but I wonder if this is the forum for having a short letter read and learning what next steps I can take?
The letter is in response to when I reached to an office in Poland to understand where to look for records for family members.
Here is the link to my drive file where the letter is:
Thank you in advance!
Unfortunately your Google translate text is not accessible and I cannot open it to evaluate.
Please be aware that most Polish people working in archives speak and read English, and you can write to them in English. They may also take your English text and use Google translate to get the information.
Please write a short request. You may conclude by saying that you will be happy to pay for the research and scan of the record.
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Thank you! I did grant access to the document - are you able to access it now?
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Somehow, the site you provided wants me to sign in with my email, password, etc. I am asked to create an account. I would rather not do it.
Can you just send me in English your letter to Poland and I will translate it?
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Sure - Thank you! I hesitated to because there are names in it, but here it is!
Szanowny PanieArchiwum Państwowe w Białymstoku Oddział w Łomży uprzejmie informuje, że w przechowywanym zespole akt stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej w Nowych Piekutach brak ksiąg urodzeń i małżeństw. Przechowywana jest wyłącznie księga zgonów z lat 1894 – 1928. W związku z powyższym nie możemy odnaleźć aktu urodzenia Józefa Roszkowskiego s. Konstantego Roszkowskiego i Józefy Markowskiej.
Z wyrazami szacunku,
Anna Jankowska
Kierownik Archiwum Państwowego
w Białymstoku Oddział w Łomży
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Archiwum Panstwowe w Bialymstoku, Oddzial (Branch) w Lomzy, kindly informs you that in the collection of records of Nowe Piekuty, Roman Catholic Parish, the birth records and marriage records are missing. What is available is only book of death records for years 1894-1928. Consequently we cannot find the birth record of Jozef Roszkowski, son of Konstanty Roszkowski and Jozefa Markowska.
Anna Jankowska
Kierownik Archiwum Panstwowego w Bialymstoku, Oddzial w Lomzy
Manager of Bialystok State Archives, Lomza Branch.
Comment from Maria E.
Please note that in – podlaskie – Zgony (or indexed Death Records) there are few Death Records related to your family. You may get more information if you hover with your computer mouse over “i” at the end of each entry, “z” shows that those records are in Archiwum Panstwowe w Bialymstoku, Oddzial w Lomzy (the one you were contacting).
Death Record No. 33, Nowe Piekuty Parish, of Jan Roszkowski, who died in Krasowo-Siódmaki on the 12th July 1895, lived 8 months, son of Konstanty Roszkowski and Jozefa Markowska.
Death Record No. 37, Nowe Piekuty Parish, of Stanislaw Roszkowski, who died in Krasowo-Siódmaki on the 20th July 1895, lived 7 years, son of Konstanty Roszkowski and Jozefa Markowska.
Death Record No. 28, Nowe Piekuty Parish, of Jozefa Roszkowska, born Markowska, died in Krasowo-Siódmaki on the 19th February 1897, daughter of Franciszek Markowski and of his wife, Urszula Olędzka, left widowed husband, Konstanty Roszkowski.
It looks like Konstanty Roszkowski married Barbara Perkowska, we only have two death records of their children, Jan Roszkowski, who died in Krasowo-Siódmaki, the 28th November 1901, lived one year, and Wiktoria Roszkowska, who died on the 1st October 1903, lived 9 years.
Death Record No. 97, Nowe Piekuty, shows that Barbara Roszkowska, born Perkowska, daughter of Marian Perkowski and Konstancja Konopka, died in Krassowo or Krasowo Siódmaki year 1918, no date given, left widowed husband Konstanty Roszkowski.
Death Record No. 43, Nowe Piekuty, of Konstanty Roszkowski, son of Dawid Roszkowski and Rozalia, born Jasinska, he died in Krasowo-Siódmaki, year 1919, he was a widower after death of his wife, Barbara, born Perkowska.
You may request the scans of those records from the same Archives you received an email from, pasting in the email the indexed death records from you are interested in to make it easier for them to identify them. There may be more information in those records of the births of those deceased. Since those death records will be in Russian, you may submit them for translation in Polish Community.
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Please note that it is the names of the living people that are restricted. We deal with numerous records stating there the names of people who were born, married, or died, or were witnesses. You may also find it helpful to learn that when Konstanty Roszkowski, father of Jozef Roszkowski died, his parents (grandparents of Jozef) were Dawid Roszkowski and Rozalia Jasinska. If you search in Geneteka - podlaskie for Pawel Roszkowski, son of Dawid, you will find his indexed death record.
Translated from Russian:
Death Record No. 14, Dąbrówka Kościelna Parish, of Pawel Roszkowski, who died in Pułazie on the 13th March 1885, death reported on the 13th March 1885, he lived 57 years, he was an owner of small property, born in (Krasowo) Siódmaki, son of Dawid Roszkowski and of his wife, name unknown to those reporting death. At death he left widowed wife, Katarzyna, born Jasinska. Death reported by Adolf Moczydlowski, 56 years old, and Stanislaw Pulaski, 46 years old. Owners of small properties in Pułazie.
Pawel Roszkowski was the brother of Konstanty Roszkowski, father of Jozef Roszkowski. If you are interested, in – podlaskie – you will find the death records of three children of Pawel Roszkowski and Katarzyna Jasinska. There are scans available and you may submit them to be translated in Polish Community.
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Thank you!!
So interesting. Yes. I will look up the records for Pawel and Katarzyna - I appreciate it!
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Thank you so much -
I am attaching Boleslaw's death record, #18, for translation please.
In relation to Boleslaw's life event dates and his family's birth and death dates, I feel like I am either making my own errors, or the records and dates don't quite add up. Is it possible to have someone look into this for me, considering Pawel Roszkowski (PM11-TTT) and Boleslaw's (P9MM-4TY) birth dates, please?
Thank you in advance!
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Death Record No. 18, Dabrówka Parish, of Bolesław Roszkowski, who died in Pułazie on the 13th March 1925, death reported (burial) on the 14th March 1925, he lived 42 years, he was a shoemaker, son of Paweł and Katarzyna, born Jasinska, married couple Roszkowski. He was born and lived in Pułazie. At death he left his widowed wife, Stefania, born Płońska. Death reported by Henryk Płoński, 30 years old, and Aleksander Roszkowski, 27 years old, farmers in Pułazie. Signature of Henryk Płoński.
Please note that the source added to Boleslaw Roszkowski as his death in year 1825, is the same record of his death in 1925. Please remove that source from PM11-TTT and also the name Boleslaw Roszkowski from that family, as born in year 1825.
Nowe Piekuty Parish was between Lomza and closer to Bialystok. Just in case Nowe Piekuty at the time of birth of your Jozef Roszkowski belonged to Diocese of Bialystok, you may contact them by email to find out if they have the duplicate copy of birth and marriage records from Nowe Piekuty. They have a wonderful collection of parish records that were not destroyed during the wars. If you have difficulty contacting them, I could make a telephone call to them and find out if they have Nowe Piekuty records, but I will need to know the year of birth of Jozef Roszkowski.