Catalog Films not showing
We are experiencing problems viewing films in the catalog. When we select a film to view that is unlocked, nothing is shown, just a blank page. I have confirmed that the portal extension is running. I have tried with different user accounts and on different computers with the same result. Is anyone else experiencing this same problem?
Try viewing in the Image Viewer instead. then click More Options and enter the DGS number in the bottom field.
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I have checked with Historical Records and FamilySearch Support in general because we have seen the same problem in our Center. It appears that because FamilySearch is working on updating the Catalog (which hasn't been updated for a couple of years) so some collections are not showing or are showing as microfilm even though they were viewable images previously. Searching the Images Collection as an option. does not work consistently. Another part of this is that FS is updating the Locations to be consistent. Catalog locations were reverse order to standardize locations.
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They are working now, so maybe it was related to the catalog updates.