Translation Request from Latin, I think.
Does anyone know what "conj. es Urio" mean. I see it on Baptism and Birth Records for
Trier, Germany, Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1600-1798 for Joannis OberkirchEuren/St. Helena1852-1869
This is my first time posting a question, so please forgive if this is not the correct format.
Thanks, Rosemarie
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Thank you so much. I was in Salt Lake City in October of last year and the man helping me with the
uxor, marita, conjux, sponsa, mulier, femina, consors
German Records couldn't figure it out. I fear that I will now have an avalanche of questions. I'm trying to learn how to read the basic documents (the easy ones) and see that I have a long way to go. Thanks again, Rosemarie
Conj[ux] is Latin for "wife". ex Urio means "from Urio", where Urio is the Latin name of Euren.
Here is the full transcription:
Die decima nona Januarii natus et altera die renatus est Hilarius fil. leg. Joannis Oberkirch et Catharinae Haag conj. ex Urio. Levabant eum Hilarius Oberkirch patris pater et Margr. Haag matris mater.
and translation:
On January 19th, Hilarius, legitimate son of Johannes Oberkirch and his wife Catherina Haag from Euren, was born and reborn (baptised) the next day. Hilarius Oberkirch, father of the father, and Margreta Haag, mother of the mother, were raising him [from the baptismal font] (i.e., were sponsors).