Dinhard ZH - death - 1734 - Fluck - Anna
For some reason the Dinhard death register covers the period 1728-1740 twice - don't ask me why. The two entries are absolutely identical - so they are definitely about the same person.
Anna Fluk [today Fluck], Kirchenpfleger Hanß Ulrich Seilers zu Außert Dynhart, ehlich hinterlaßene Witwen, aetat. 80 Jahr 9 Monat 4 Tag.
This Anna was born 14.03.1654 (calculated) - when was Anna von Flue born?
The couple got married 26.04.1673 in Dägerlen.
See also Fluck von Dinhard in Geneal-Forum. In case you want to join the discussion there, registration is free and without any obligation.
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WSeelentag Thank you for the quick reply. The Familysearch profile for Anna von Flue, I am curious about potentially matching the above records to, is GMXC-DG8. It traces her descendancy in the patrilineal line directly from Saint Niklaus Von Flue, consistent with Johann Ming's 1861 book: "Der selige Bruder Nikolaus von Flüe, sein Leben und Werk", showing the family tree, right down to Anna von Flue and Hans Seiler. No further details other than their names are shown in the tree, which is attached to the profile Memories tab.
Profile GMXC-DG8 is otherwise confusing. It gives Anna von Flue's birth at Sashseln, Obwalden, as expected, but in APPROX. 1637, not 1654 as you calculated above. The profile has had numerous amendments and more than one merge. I believe this resulted in a conflation of records. Her profile shows two husbands named Hans Seiler, and each relationship join brings with it a daughter:
Hans Seiler, born 1620 (GMX8-DZB); daughter Maria Johanna Seiler, born 1658 (GMXS-VJF)
Hans Seiler, born 1645 (GRQ9-HVC); daughter Maria Magdalena Seiler, born 1675 (GMX3-DZ1)The two profiles branch out into completely different families. I have confidence that both branches are accurate on their own, as they are based on church book records provided to Familysearch users by Giswil genealogists. Interestingly enough, there is a record (attached) for Anna Flueckin and Hans Ulrich Seiler, which shows a daughter by the name of Magdalena, born in 1675 in Dägerlen.
Without knowledge of Swiss-German, nor access to Swiss archives, this mystery of Anna Flueckin/Anna von Flue is difficult for me to untangle.
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Daughters are not really helpful to determine ancestors 😉 … look for ancestors directly.
Anna Fluck was actually baptized 12 March 1654 in Dinhard. Parents were Hanß Adam Fluck and Salome Engeler - who got married 15.01.1650 in Dinhard. How does that fit your other data?
This Hans (Adam) Seiler was definitely not born 1645 - 1620 might(!) be possible.
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In the meantime I had a look at Bruder Klaus' descendants (the book you have uploaded): I would say there is definitely no connection between Anna von Flüe and Anna Fluck.
Is Anna Fluck amongst your ancestors? For further research the most efficient next step would be to check the Dinhard Bürgerregister (viewable at familysearch centres only).
1) Start with year 1672: Anna got married 1673 - so she should still be listed with her parents - hopefully including her parents' baptismal dates.
2) Then in 1683 check for her husband Hans Seiler - hopefully giving his baptismal date, plus children.
3) Then these dates could be checked with the baptismal records (available free, i.e. from home, from the Zürich State Archive).
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After looking at the information you provided and locating a large number of further records for the Dinhard Anna Fluck/Flueckin and her spouse Hans Ulrich Seiler, I would definitely agree that they are not the same as Anna von Flue and her spouse Hans Seiler. These records will be useful for someone tracking their lineage, but just not for me.
According to Familysearch tree, Anna von Flue may be my ancestor, but this depends on the veracity of the connections. As mentioned above, her profile shows two husbands named Hans Seiler, and each alternate relationship join brings with it a daughter:
Hans Seiler, born 1620 (GMX8-DZB); daughter Maria Johanna Seiler, born 1658 (GMXS-VJF)
Hans Seiler, born 1645 (GRQ9-HVC); daughter Maria Magdalena Seiler, born 1675 (GMX3-DZ1)Only one is right. I've depicted each of these possibilities in the attached and attributed the sources relied on for these connections.
You can toggle between the two alternate spouses from Anna von Flue's family tree in order to see these two alternate possibilities: https://www.familysearch.org/tree/pedigree/landscape/GMXC-DG8
This much is known:
Anna von Flue was born/baptised in Sachseln. Her spouse's birth/baptism is undetermined except that it's possibly in Obwalden canton. The location of the birth of the respective daughters is unclear but each seems to have passed away in Giswil. Sachseln and Giswil records may hold the answer.
Thanks for all your assistance in this onerous research.