Translation Request - Note on Swedish Record - Note on right-hand side

Can someone help us understand the note at the top of the page of the following record for Anders Bohlin, 1845-10-28, FamilySearch PID# PM37-PH9, who married our relative Alma Johanna Adolfina Höggren, PMS3-Q9P on 18 October 1885. Anders Bohlin died 22 Apr 1913. Alma Johanna Adolfina married Karl Emil Stenfelt (1871-01-24) on 12 Mar 1899. The note seems to say something about spouse but we cannot read it or understand it.
Here is a link to the record in Arkivdigital: ArkivDigital: Herrljunga (P) AIIa:2 1907-1920 Image 1200 / Page 108
Here is a screen shot of the note in question:
Here is a screenshot of the record:
Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
The text is:
På grund af Kullings häradsrätts utslag d. 24/8-98 i domkapitlets skiljebref skild fr. sin hustru o ledig till annat giftermål i laga ordning.
Due to the ruling of the Kullings district court on August 24, 1898 in the divorce decree of the cathedral chapter, divorced from his wife and available for another marriage in legal order.
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Thank you so much!!!!