Translation request - Polish written death record
Please help with the translation of this record. I cannot figure out her age or cause of death. Thank you. I appreciate it.
Marianna Srodon, died 1851, father is Adalbertus (Wojciech) Srodon, mother Anna Rusinek
Czudec, Wyzne.
Source: Księga zejścia - wtóropis Wyżne
Reference code 59/1456/0/-/17
Dates 1847 - 1868
Archives Archiwum Państwowe w Rzeszowie
Fonds Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej w Czudcu
Meilleures réponses
Death Record No. 11, Czudec, Civil Records Office, of Marianna Srodoń, who died in Wyżne on the 1st September 1851, she lived 17 months, daughter of Wojciech Srodoń and Anna Srodoń, born Rusinek.
There is no cause of death.
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Thank you. This is very helpful. I appreciate it. Mattie