Translation Request: St Michael Death Record for Caspar Horlacher (1577-1642)
Request a translation of the following Schwäbisch- Hall death record. Thank you…
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Dienstags, d. 30. Augusti [1642]
Caspar Horlacher, von Reinoldsberg, ist daselbst vor 65. Jahren von Chr. Eltern geboren, zum Christenthumb angewiesen, und zum b__? angehalten worden. Im 37. Jahr seines Alters hat er sich mit seiner nun hinderlaßenen betrübten Wittibin, weiland Herrn Abraham Bürrand, Pfarrers in besagtem Reinoldsberg s. hindlaßenen ehlichen Tochter ehelich verlobt, ein Chr. Ehe beseßen in die 28. Jahr, durch Gottes Segen erzeügt 5. Söhne und 3. Töchter, davon noch 2. Söhne, welche beide zur lateinischen Schul angehalten worden, nach Gottes willen bey leben. Seon Christenthumb hat er zimlicher obacht gehant: Sampt sich diensthaft erzeigt: mit seiner Hauptmannschaft zu Reinoldsberg, in diesen schwürig Kriegslaüfen, andern manchmal mehr, als den seinigen genüget. Vor 4. wochen ist er krank worden, sich bald, vermittels würdigen gebrauchs de´h. Abendmals mit Gott versöhnt, folgende Zeit mit Gebet, gedult und seüftzen zugebracht, und d. 28. Augusti Mittags zwischen 10. und 11. Uhr selig gestorben.Translation:
Tuesday, 30 August [1642]
Caspar Horlacher, of Reinoldsberg, was born there 65 years ago of Christian parents, was taught to become a Christian, and to __?. In the 37th year of his age he became married to his now bereaved widow, the legitimate daughter of the now deceased Mr. Abraham Bürrand, pastor in said Reinoldsberg, had a Christian marriage for 28 years, and by God's blessing fathered 5 sons and 3 daughters, of whom 2 sons, both of whom were instructed to attend the Latin school, are still living according to God's will. He has taken great care of his Christianit; he has shown himself to be of service with his captaincy at Reinoldsberg, in these difficult times of war, he has sometimes done more for others than for himself. He fell ill four weeks ago; he was soon reconciled with God through the worthy use of Holy Communion, spent the following time in prayer, patience, and sighing, and died blessedly on August 28 between 10 and 11 a.m.Comment: Reinoldsberg is the older name of Reinsberg (
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Hello Don,
with the information you have provided I now see that the name in the death record is most likely Abraham Bürcard (names are always the most difficult thing to read correctly). Bürcard, Bÿrckhardt, and Birckhardt are just different spellings of the same name; spelling was much less standardized then.
So I would agree that the death record and the family table are about the same couple. A baptism 4 years after birth was highly unlikely, if not impossible at that time. Rather there is an error in the reported age or date of baptism.
I will have a look at Margaretha's death record tomorrow (it seems to be in Latin, let's see how much I understand).
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Margareta's death record is actually a strange mixture of Latin and German, and the legibility deteriorates greatly in the second half. Here is what I can decipher:
Ein WeibsPerson alhir im Dorf Rainsperg obijt Veneris mane hora 7tima antemeridiana! Aetatis suae 54. Nata Anno Christi 1589. Zu Eüttendorf: ibidemque renata, Margaretha baptisata. Parens vocatus fuit Dn. Abrahamus Byrckhardt in praedicto Eutendorf olim Minister Ecclesiae, usque ad annum 1613. ab Eutendorf ad nos Reinspergam post beatu obitum (qui Anno 1612, 42 annis modo-dictae Ecclesiae Reinspergenti serviti) Dni Andrae Lackner, Von Klagenfurt in Kerndten, Pastor domotus, ibidemque 15 annis sapius? Ecclesia Reinspergenti dicta repetita, ist also im 24 Jahr ihres Alters von Eutersdorf mit ihren? ___ lieben Eltern b.m. und noch lebendig ____ nach Reinsperg komen: Im 25. Jahr ihres Alters sich mit ___ ___ ihrer lieben Eltern b.m. in Ehestand begeben und mit ihrem lieben nunmehr verstorbenen ___ b.m. __ __ __ ein Jahr zu Hall da dießer ___ ___ und alda bey S. Niclas ehrlich zur Erden bestattet worden, 28? Jahr in einer Ehe gelebt und darinnen miteynand gezeügt 8 Kinder, 5 Söhne, 3 Töchter. __ noch 2 Söhne so itzo mit betrübtniß __ ihrer lieben Mutter b.m. das geleit auf den hiesigen Gottesacker gegebn haben. Zu Ottenbach p. 4 annos ob___: alhir zu Reinsperg aber 25. Jahr sich aufgehalten. Ante quatuordicim dies sich alhir__ von h__ß Ursach begeben, ist vor ___ 9. Tag geß__, 4 Tag gar kranck u. ___ ....<can't read this part>.... hodie D[omi]nic[a] 24 post Trin[itatis] d. 12. Nov. solenniter antemeridiem terrae mandatu fuit. __ __ __ Amen!
(tentative) Translation:
A woman died here in the village of Reinsberg on Friday morning at 7 a.m. at the age of 54 [years]. She was born in the year of Christ 1589 in Eutendorf and baptized there Margaretha. The father was Mr. Abraham Byrckhardt, formerly pastor of the church in the said Eutendorf until the year 1613. From Eutendorf he came to us as pastor in Reinsberg after the blessed death in 1612 of Mr. Andreas Lackner from Klagenfurt in Carinthia (who served the just-mentioned church of Reinsberg for 42 years). ___ 15 years__? named Reinsberg church___ she came at the age of 24 from Eutersdorf to Reinsberg with her __ dear parents__ still alive. At the age of 25 she married with ___ of her dear parents and with her now deceased ___ one year in Hall where he ___ and was buried at St. Niclas, lived in marriage for 28? years and had 8 children, 5 sons and 3 daughters, __ still 2 sons who escorted their dear deceased mother with sorrow to the local cemetery. In Ottenbach ___ 4 years; but here in Reinsberg [she] lived 25 years. Fourteen days ago ___, nine days ago ___ , 4 days sick and ____ …. <can't read this part> …. Today, the 24th Sunday after Trinity, on the morning of November 12th, she was solemnly buried. Amen!
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@Don Harlacher , The word after "Captain" in the familybook looks like "Heiligenpfleger" to me. According to Thodes: "church building and grounds superintendent".
Thank you very much. Greatly appreciate the reference to Reinsberg. Thought that was the place, but was confused by the spelling. If you have time, there are several inconsistencies I would appreciate your help with. I have attached two other source documents: (1) Familienbuchkartei Ab, Reinsberg 1748 entry for Caspar and (2) death record for Margretha Bÿrckhardt. The Family Table indicates Caspar married Margretha Birckhardt (sp?) in 1614. Father's name was Abraham. Caspar was the son of Hans from Reisberg. He was a Captain (don't know what the word is after "ü"); baptized on 16-9-1581, died 1642 in Hall, and was buried at St. Nicklaus (?). Info on second page of Family Table indicates 5 sons, 3 daughters and 2 sons were alive when Margretha died. Everything suggests this is the same Caspar in the death record except wife's last name and date of baptism. Is it unusual for a person to be baptized 4 years after being born? If, and when, you have time, would appreciate translation of Margretha's death record. Again, many thanks for all your help.
Website: (image 587)
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Great…many thanks
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Thank you very much. The translation provided essential elements of information. I was able to update the family tree records for both Caspar and Margaretha.
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Thank you. In addition to his military duties, looks like Caspar may have been helping his father-in-law who was pastor of the church.