translation please

Would someone please take the time to read and translate this birth record of
William Heinrich Eberle/in, #1pg 332 top right I think?
thank you in advance
Meilleure réponse
Here's the translation -
Emmendingen 1814
1) On the 9th of January in the evening at 6:30, a boy was legitimately born here in Emmendingen and baptized on the 13th of the same month in the afternoon at 1 - Wilhelm Heinrich. His parents are the local citizen Konrad Eberle, master smith, and Magdalena Stutz. Baptismal witnesses were: Heinrich Giese, smith, Georg Hag, tailor from Malterdingen, Christian Giese's wife Sarah Herzog.
Emmendingen, 13 January 1814, T. Dekan Rinck
[and in the right margin]
+ [died] the 14th of the same month
thank you for your help with my family history