Collection Results Don't Match Collection Title
I noticed that more record groups were added recently which is great. I've been using full-text search for several months and have had good success in Nova Scotia probate records. I was happy to see more Canadian records had been added!
But, when I went to look at them and do some test searching, I see records included in the results list that have nothing to do with the Collection Title. For example, the Canada, Alberta Military Service, from 1777 to 1841 collection shows 1,177 results when I do a search for Smith. But the top results are for Confederate Pension applications for Mississippi. When I click on the Collection filter, the list of collections that come up seem to include all the collections available on full-text search. Even if I go through the list and choose Canada Alberta Military Service, from 1777 to 1841, the number of results doesn't change and the results still show American records. I thought if I went to a specific Collection Title and searched, it should only include results from that collection. Am I wrong? Or is something not working right?