Translation review - Magdalena Sawelk and Salacinska
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You may be correct, as the distance between Zaluski, Parish Kroczewo, and Piescidla, Parish Grodziec, is only 12 kilometers, or about 8 miles. Then if you search in marriages for Magdalena Kochanska, you will find that Zofia Kochanska, daughter of Kacper Kochanski and Magdalena Salacinska, was married in Grodziec, and if you compare it to birth record of Zofia Kochanska, she is daughter of Kacper and Magdalena Sawelka, born in Piescidla, Parish Grodziec. The age is correct that it is the same person.
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Thanks for taking a look. I try to be careful not to assume people are the same, but since everything was verbal, understanding the variations.