Transcription - 1797 Frankenhausen marriage record
Would someone be willing to transcribe into German the 1797 marriage record for Johann Andreas Crone and Dorothea Maria Fauch, please? Thank you!
Den 7. May [1797] ist Johann Andreas Crone, Johann Christoph Crone, Einwohners und Taglöhners in Seega 3ter Sohn mit Dorothea Maria Jauchin, Christoph Friedrich Jauchs, Bürgers und Zimmergesellen auch Cornknechts allhier ältester Tochter anderer Ehe frühe nach der Metten wegen frühzeitigen Beischlaf copuliret worden.
On May 7th [1797] Johann Andreas Crone, 3rd son of Johann Christoph Crone, resident and day laborer in Seega, was married to Dorothea Maria Jauch, eldest daughter from the second marriage of Christoph Friedrich Jauch, citizen and carpenter as well as "Cornknecht", early after the service because of premature intercourse.
Comment: I am unsure what exactly a "Cornknecht" is.
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Thank you very much, Ulrich! I appreciate your help!