Marriage Doc 1869 Marg Leib Translation Request
Here's the translation by column -
Running number and town - 9 Unterelangenstadt
Day, month, and year of the marriage - 30 / thirty / August 1868
Name of the groom, first and last name - Dicker, Adam Sebaldus
Born when and where - 19 August 1830 in Schackendorf near Hildburghausen, where he has the right of citizenship
Occupation and religion - shepherd, ev[angelical] Luth[eran]
Rural court, [something written in that I can't make out - district court?], residence, house number - Kronach, Kronach, Unterlangenstadt, House No. 2
Groom's father's first and last name, and mother's maiden name - Thomas Dicker + [deceased], shepherd in Schackendorf, and his wife Anna Dorothea Elisabetha nee [Maser?]
Single or widowed, and in the latter case the name of the deceased wife [etc…] - single
Name of the bride, first and last name - Lieb, Eva Margareta
Born when and where - 6 January 1846, Unterlangenstadt
Occupation and religion - unmarried basket maker's daughter, ev[angelical] Luth[eran]
Rural court, [something written in that I can't make out - district court?], residence, house number - Kronach, Kronach, Unterlangenstadt
Bride's father's first and last name, and mother's maiden name - Johann Wolfgang Lieg. + [deceased] basket maker and Margaretha nee Eißenbeißer, father cath[olic], mother ev[angelical] Luth[eran]
Single or widowed, and in the latter case the name of the deceased husband [etc…] - single, first child legitimized, [pregnant?]
Pastor or his proxy - Boß
Witnesses, first and last names and residence - Ernst Igler, [can't read - married?] basket maker in Unterlangenstadt, Margaretha Lieb
Civil marriage license - District Court Kronach, dated 3 August 1868
Married with out without dispensation in the degrees, with or without [denunciation?] - without dispensation after 3 proclamations