Translation help - 2 Dutch records
Hello! I am seeking help translating 2 Dutch records from Belgium
Last time I posted one of these, the hyperlinks didn't seem to work, so below I have just put links to the records that can be copied and pasted into a browser.
1.) This first record is very special to me. This is a marriage record for my great great grandmother. My maiden name comes from her, and so nobody in my family thought she had been married - turns out she did get married, but not until years after my great grandfather was born out of wedlock.
I am hoping someone can provide a full translation as this record, as it means a lot to me
(It is the record on the bottom of the right page, for Anna Catharina Francisca Daelemans and Petrus Joannes Van Den Aÿcke)
2.) The second record is one that I just have a feeling may have been indexed incorrectly. The indexed wedding date in FamilySearch says 1847, however all of the names/other details match a couple that could not have be married then. I do not need the full record translated, but if someone could double check any dates shown on the record, I would really appreciate it.
(It is the bottom right record for Pieter Francois Dieleman and Joanna Maria Daelemans)
Hello Natalie,
2) The marriage record is not dated 1847, it is 24 September 1878 as recorded on the first line:
Den vierentwintigsten der maand September van het jaar duizend achthonderd acht en zeventig
The twentyfourth of the month September of the year thousand eighthundred eight and seventy
So you are right, the indexing of this record (and all other records on this image too) is incorrect.
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Thank you for confirming the date!
I don't know if this is a new feature, but FamilySearch let me go in and edit the indexed information, so I've fixed all of the years for those 4 records.
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In the year nineteen hundred twenty-two, Sunday the seventeenth September
We Marne? Joseph, Mayor__________Officer of the Civil Register of the municipality HOBOKEN, province Antwerpen, have in accordance of the law of twenty-six December eightteen hundred ninety-one, at about noon, glued to the city hall a proclamation saying a promise of marriage exists to enter into marriage before us, between Van den Dijcke, Petrus Joannes, factoryworker, resident in Antwerpen, adult son of Joannes Theodorius, deceased and of Hemgenberg Coleta, housewife, in Anterpen residing, at one side; En:
Daelemans Anna Catharina Francisca, housewife, residing here, adult daughter of Corneille, deceased and of Grodard Marie Louise Pauline, no profession, at the other sideOf which we have put up this deed.