Roman Catholic BMD 1784 to 1816 - Szczurowice, Lviv, Ukraine (and other areas)
Hello all. I know this forum is for Poland, but there is no forum that I could see for the Ukraine and I am having the same issue for some of the villages in the Poland area.
I have looked high and low for RC BMD records for Szczurowice, Lviv between 1784 and 1816. I have mined AGAD, FHL (e.g., Brody, Lopatin, etc), Genetika and 2 Szczurowice land inventories (1665 and 1765) in Lviv archive. The only thing I havn't checked is the locked FHL records (though the descriptions indicate that these records wont help). For many villages in the area and sometimes in Poland it is the same thing - records missing for this 30 year period.
Did something happen to the RC records between 1784 and 1816? Were they lost? Or is there another repository out there that I need to go to for the Szczurowice, Lviv BMD for these years?
Thank you very much!
Please go to - Search - Catalog - Keywords and enter Szczurowice. You will find there the Roman Catholic Church Szczurowice (Lopatyn) for years 1768-1949. Please try them at home, at your neighborhood Family Search Center, and try also - Search - Images entering Szczurowice or Lopatyn. It is possible that those records are restricted to be accessed only in Salt Lake City Library by the contractural obligation to Ukrainian Archives. If you cannot access it AGAD Archives in Poland may research for a fee. But please also check for Łopatyn or Łopatyń as earlier parish for Szczurowice.
- You may also check Polish State Archives: szukajwarchiwach - the instructions are the first item in Polish Resource Links in English in Polish Community.
- Please use to find the map location. You will see that Szczurowice village is very close to Łopatyn. You will need to use Polish letters from typeitPolish and you do not need to complete the name of place as you will be given a list of places with similar name, e.g. in case of Łopatyn or Łopatyń you may enter only Łopaty. You may also use an easy to remember equivalent of When you get message that Szczurowice are not in Poland (PL) change it to Ukraine, you will be able then measure the distance between Szczurowice and Lopatyn as about 14 km or less than 10 miles. Shchurovychi, UA which you may search in Catalog.
- Enjoy your research
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Hello Maria,
Could you send me a list of online films I could search for my great great grandfather Mykhaylo Polak b. 1811 and his brothers Gregorius Polak 1812-1878 and Paulus Polak 1813-1844 who are my great great grand uncles. They come from Kozowka, Mikulince, Galacia Austria. I am Danuta (name removed) daughter of Teofil Polak b. 1916 Szczurowice Poland and my email is : (email removed).
Thank you for your help.
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Thank you Maria. I have done pretty much all of this, the same 30 year gap in BMD records exists for Lopatin (the village itself). There does appear to be BMD for a few villages in the area, but based on the description for the microfilm (DGS 8021076) Lopatin and Szczurowice are not included. I do not have access to a Family Search Centre and so can not access this locked microfilm. I think asking AGAD to do a lookup is a very good suggestion that I will follow up on.
I think the 30 year gap (1784 to 1816) in RC records (many Polish and Ukraine villages) may be due to one of three things:
- The BMD records were low volume and therefore simply included in a neighboring village / city at the time of microfilming.
- The BMD records are sitting in another archive, either in microfilm (not yet online) or hard copy.
- The BMD records were lost or destroyed.
I just dont know what the truth of the matter is and how much more time i should spend hunting!
I do plan on mining the BMD in the Narew, Poland area as the family may have originated from the area, prior to living in Szczurowice, Lviv.
Many thanks for your time and thinking! Much appreciated!
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I heard that Geneteka currently have over 1000 indexers volunteering to enter information from birth, marriage, and death records from Poland, Lithuania, Bielarus, and Ukraine. Hopefully, your records will be in the near future also entered into indexed collection of geneszukacz or geneteka. Let's hope it will happen soon.
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@DonnaDanutaSaunders1 Mod note: Community is a public online forum. For your privacy, your post was edited to remove a name that is not part of your username as well as contact information. Please see the Community Code of Conduct for more details.