Request Translation: Ingelfingen Church Death Record (Johann Horlacher)
Please translate the following church record for Johann Horlacher (1668-1719). Is the writing in the left margin relevant to this record? Many thanks…
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Johann Horlacher Einwohner zu Dingenthal(?), war zwar in seinem Christenthum gut unterrichtet, führete aber keine gute Ehe, lebte auch sonst _mahl, sonderl. d Trunckheit zuweilen ergeben, kommt mit einem Weinwagen von Eberstall auf hiesige Manchthum(?), da nun der andere mitgeführte(?) Weinwagen fallen wolte, Er aber selbigen zu halten, gegen die gethane Verwarnung, all zu kühn(?) war u. vermutlich auch zu viel getruncken hatte, dabey wegen des schlüpfrigen Weges mit den Füßen geglitschet, fiel der völlig beladene Wagen auf ihn u. erdrückte ihn alsobald. Wird, weil er, der gegebenen Versicherung nach, einige Zeit hero auf zureden seines Seel-Sorgers gebeßert, mit allen Ceremonien begraben. Mens. Aug. Aetat. 51 Jahr 7. Monath. Anno 1720. vide Cafune? tragicum
<left margin> vide etiam aliquem quasi-tragicum in diptychis emortualibus Ao 1723 Die 30: VIIbrisTranslation:
Johann Horlacher, inhabitant of Dingenthal (Tüngental?), was well instructed in his Christianity, but did not lead a good marriage, also lived otherwise ___?, especially devoted to drunkenness at times; he came with a wine cart from Eberstal to the local ___?, when the other wine cart he had brought along(?) was about to fall over, but he was too bold(?) to hold it against the warning given and had probably drunk too much, slipping with his feet because of the slippery path, the fully loaded cart fell on him and crushed him immediately. He was buried with all due ceremony, as it had been assured that he had improved some time before on the advice of his parish priest. In the month of August. His age 51 years, 7 months. In the year 1720. See tragical __?
<left margin> See also some quasi-tragic in the immortal diptychs(?). 30 September 17231 -
I also wondered about the dates. Note that on these two pages there are records headed 1713, 1719, and 1724. It is apparently not the normal, consecutive death book. All the records on these pages are special casualties or accidents (e.g. drowning cases in the next two records). In fact, the book is entitled (image 1006): Casus Tragici et Singularis varii generis (Tragic and Singular Cases of Various KInds).
I would expect that there would be a "normal" book of deaths as well, with the usual record of the death, which would clarify the date of death (and burial).
Thank you. Interesting obituary!! I am confused by the dates. The Ancestry translator indicates the death date was March 19, which appears under Anno 1720. The record appears under the 1719 header. There is also a reference to "the month of August." What do you believe was the actual date of death? Thanks again…
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Thank you for the information.
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