Translation Request Death Elzbieta Rozna Muhlbrandt, no. 1, 1857, Wielopole
Translated from Polish:
Death Record No. 1, Turek, Evangelical-Augsburg Parish, of Elzbieta Mühlbrandt, born Rusner, who died on the 7th January 1857, death reported on the 8th January 1857, she lived 52 years, she was born in Danowice (Dziadowice?), daughter of Krystian and Dorota, born Fieg, married couple Rusner, she lived with her husband in Wielopole. At death she left widowed husband, Jan Mühlbrandt, a farmer, and five children. Death reported by Gottlieb Rusner, a farmer from Kotwasice, 46 years old, and Adolf Sparling, a weaver, resident of Turek, 35 years old.