Translation Request: Schwäbisch Hall Burial Record for Johann Horlacher (1601-1663)
Request translation of following St. Katharina burial record for Johann Horlacher (1601-1673). Father Johann; mother and wife named Margaretha. Looks like he was married 37 years and had 9 children. Thank you.
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Johann Horlacher ist im iahr Christi 1.6.01 Zu Geißlingen gebohren worden - sein Vatter war Johann Horlacher, die Mutter Margaretha, beide längst Gott ergeben. Anno 1.6.18 hat er sich das erste mal verheirathet mit Margaretha von __brinden bürtig, mit derselben im Ehestand 37. iahr gelebt, durch den Segen Gottes 9. Kinder, alß 5. Söhn und 4. Töchter erzeügt, davon noch 1. Sohn und 2. Töchter, so lang Gott will, bei leben und verheürathet, die andere sind gestorben - das andere mal hat sich mit Sybilla von Megerßheim, Brandenburgisch Marggräffischer Herrschaft bürtig verlobt, mit derselben eine friedliche Ehe besessen 19. iahr, durch den ehesegen erzeügt nur ein Tochter, so noch lebt nach Gottes willen. und ist gestorben an der Waßersucht und den 10. Julii zur Erden bestattet worden.
Johann Horlacher was born in the year of Christ 1601 in Geisslingen - his father was Johann Horlacher, his mother Margaretha, both long devoted to God [i.e. deceased]. In the year 1618 he was married for the first time to Margaretha, a native of __brinden, lived with her in wedlock for 37 years, had by the blessing of God nine children, five sons and four daughters, of whom one son and two daughters are living and married, according to God's will, the others are deceased. The second time he was betrothed to Sybilla, a native of Megersheim(?), of the Margraviate of Brandenburg, with whom he had a peaceful marriage for 19 years, and by the blessing of God had only one daughter, who by the will of God is still living; he died of dropsy and was buried on 10 July.
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Sonntag d. 15. Nov
Margaretha, Johannis Horlachers, bürgers u.SchneidersBekers allhier, gewesene Haußfrau, nun seel. ist gebohren ao 1668 d. 15. Febr. vor 27 jahren, zur h. tauf befördert u. christl. erzogen worden von ihrem Vatter seel. Johann Jordan, bürgers u. krämper allhier, u. ihrer Mutter Sibylla ihres Geschlechts eine Bäsin. Anno 1688 d. 1. Maji hat sie sich ehrlich u. ehelich copuliren laßen mit ged. Johannes Horlacher, Michael Horlachers, Beker u. Gastgeber zu Kirden? u. Bürgers allhier, ehelichem Sohn, mit ihm in 7 jähriger Ehe erzeuget 3 Töchterlein, davon 2. nach _. l. G. Will bey leben. Bey jahr u. Tag her hatte die Dörr u. Schwindsucht bey ihr angesetzt, worauf sie auch verwich. Dienstag Nachts um 10 Uhr seel. verschieden.Translation:
Sunday, 15th November
Margaretha, former housewife of the local citizen andtailorbaker Johannis Horlacher, now blessed [deceased] was born 15 February 1668, 27 years ago; she was baptised and raised as a Christian by her father the deceased Johann Jordan, local citizen and grocer(?), and her mother Sibylla née Bäs[in]. On May 1st, 1688 she was honestly and lawfully married with the above-mentioned Johannes Horlacher, legitimate son of Michael Horlacher, baker and innkeeper in Kirden? and local citizen; in seven years of marriage with him she had three daughters, two of whom are still alive according to God's will. She had been suffering from consumption for many years, of which she died blessedly last Tuesday night at 10 p.m.0
Danke Ulrich. Would you please translate the following church record. I believe it relates to the daughter (Margaretha) of Johann's second marriage to Sybilla. Looks like she may have been born in 1668 and died in 1695. The reference to a Michael Horlacher intrigues me. Thank you…
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Thank you very much. Looks like my assumptions were really wrong!!