Swedish Translation please!
Can you look at 15 March 1863 and translate it? Does it say whether it is a son or daughter? And does it say that died on March 25? Thanks! https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/2262/records/191247457?tid=&pid=&queryId=77abd6c1-91ac-41ab-bb8b-42bc9114533f&_phsrc=NZE4676&_phstart=successSource
Here's the link to the birth record in Riksarkivet.
It says "Ett dödföddt Flickebarn" = a stillborn baby girl
She was buried 1863-03-25
Here's the link to the family on Familysearchhttps://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/G1BV-X5C
You've missed a few children :0