Translation Request - Marriage record - Ignacius Iwicki and Thecla Gorka -1846
Please help with the translation of this marriage record. There are several places I cannot figure out what it says and the handwriting. Thank you. I appreciate it. Mattie
Marriage record no. 12, Pstragowa Roman-Catholic Parish, 8th October 1846, of bachelor Ignatius Jiwicki, house no. 52, age 28, legitimate son of Josephus (Jozef in Polish) Iwicki ?? and Catharina (Katarzyna in Polish) Jakubowska and a maiden, Thecla (Tekla in Polish) Gorka, house no. ? age 20, legitimate daughter of Martinus (Marcin in Polish) and Agnus (Agnieszka in Polish) born Gontarz. Witnesses: Josephus (Jozef in Polish) ?, occupation?, and Adalbertus (Wojciech in Polish) Luk?, occup?
Księga małżeństw - Pstrągowa
Reference code 59/1113/0/-/1
Dates 1827 - 1872
Archives Archiwum Państwowe w Rzeszowie
Fonds Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej w Pstrągowej
Scan #44
Meilleures réponses
Marriage record no. 12, Pstragowa Roman-Catholic Parish, dated 8th October 1846, of Ignatius (Ignacy in Polish) Iwicki, house no. 52, a bachelor, age 28, legitimate son of Josephus (Józef in Polish) Iwicki and Catharina (Katarzyna in Polish) Jakubowska, from Jeżowe, (?) and of a maiden, Thecla (Tekla in Polish) Górka, age 20, legitimate daughter of Martinus (Marcin in Polish) and Agnes (Agnieszka in Polish) born Gontarz. Witnesses: Józef Strzępek and Wojciech Łukasik, local farmers with small farms. (called gardeners or hortulani in Latin).
Note on this marriage record: I give permission for this marriage union in the presence of two witnesses: Marcin Górka, father of the underage bride. Witnesses: Józef Strzępek and Wojciech Łukasik
Please check in Geneteka the second marriage of Ignacy Iwicki, year 1885, after death of Tekla Górka. His surname is spelled Iwicki which is correct, compare with spelling of Iwicki surname in
First names of witnesses are in Polish, and we do not need to add their translation into Latin.
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Thank you very much. I did find the second marriage and I see the difference in surname spelling. I appreciate it. Mattie