Translation Request - Marriage record -Stanisław Subczak & Agata Iwicki -1872
Please help with the translation of this marriage record. Please help with the definition and use of the term "Inq." or "Inquil" = tenant farmer? . Thank you, I appreciate it. Mattie
Marriage record no. 14, Pstragowa Roman Catholic Parish, dated 22nd October 1872, a bachelor, Stanislaus (Stanisław in Polish) Subczak, age 25, legitimate son of Josephus (Jozef in Polish) and Apolonia born Zareba, farmer and a maiden Agatha (Agata), age 24 10/12ths, legitimate daughter of Igantius (Ignacy) Iwicky and Thecla (Tekla) born Gorka, Inq. Witnesses: Bartholomeus, Fortune, farmer and Thomas Michalotti, Inq.
Note: Stanislaus Subczak has a cross indicating death on 12th August 1915.
Note: Agata Ignacy has a cross indicating death on 30th July 1917.
Księga małżeństw - Pstrągowa
Reference code 59/1113/0/-/1
Dates 1827 - 1872
Archives Archiwum Państwowe w Rzeszowie
Fonds Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej w Pstrągowej
Meilleure réponse
I realized the meaning and use of Inq.