Translation needed
Looking for information found in Ancestry. People involved are: Katharina Sophia Ebert, Johann Peter Henning, Peter Johann Ebert and Kathaerina Sophia Ida. I have included the headings and Person's record.
Thank you
I don't think the indexer got the surname correct. I see:
8 December
The widow of the farmer Johann Peter Heinrich Sabban?, Anna Katharina Sophia nee Ebert of Wöbbelin
Birth place: Wöbbelin
Age: 68 years 8 months
Illness: Ditto (debility of old age was listed for the previous entry)
Father: Johann Heinrich Ebert, farmer from Wöbbelin, ??? (the unknown word might be deceased)
Mother: Katharina Sophia Ida ??? (the unknown word might be deceased)
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Thank you very much.