translation please

Would someone please take the time to read and translate this marriage record of
Hans and Maria, entry 6 page 15 right side
thank you in advance
Meilleure réponse
It was probably not forgotten but it is rather hard to decipher…
Den 3. Augusti hatten Hochzeit zu Vogelbach
Hanß D_ßwaldt, Michaels __alt Sohn undt Maria
Boltzin, Jacobs Tochter von Malspurg. Alß
sie schon groß Leibs undt bereits(?) ein halb Jahr
undt drüber schwanger. Textus ist gewesen? Epist
9. Trinit: Diß ist waß zum fürbild geschehe.
1.Cor: 10. ___? ohne _ auff Donnerstag __-
On August 3rd had a wedding in Vogelbach Hans D_waldt(?), son of MIchael __alt, and Maria Boltzin, daughter of Jacob from Malsburg. When she was already big-bodied and already half a year and more pregnant. The [sermon] text was the epistle of the 9th Sunday after Trinity: Now these things happened to them as an example, 1 Corinthians 10 _? without _? on Thursday ___?
did this request get forgotten
0 -
thank you very much you were able to read a lot more than I was.