translation please
Meilleure réponse
Unfortunately the handwriting is pretty illegible; in particular the surname of the bride and the location names are difficult - here is what I can make out:
Dienstag d. 26. Januarii ist nach gewöhnl. Proclamation zu Guten=Stätten durch priesterliche Hand eingesegnet worden der Ehrsame Georg Thoma angehender Bauersmann u Metzger zu Beilsbach?, des Erbaren Meister Jobst Thoma Metzgers u. S____ zu ___ b__ l.E. S[ohn] mit der T___ belebten? Jungfer Barbara Mei__in, des Erbaren Meister Nicolaus Mei__? Schumacher und ___s zu Neu-Ebe__bach? l.E. Einziger Tochter.
Tuesday, January 26th, after the usual proclamation at Guten=Stätten (Gutenstetten), the honorable Georg Thoma, prospective farmer and butcher of Beilsbach?, legitimate son of the honorable master Jobst Thoma, butcher and S____? in ___? ___, was blessed by the priest's hand with the ___ __? maiden Barbara Mei__in, legitimate only daughter of the honorable master Nicolaus Mei___ , shoemaker and __? in Neu-Ebe__bach?.