Ottenbach ZH - Bevölkerungsverzeichnis - 1649 - Stähli - Andreas
At the URL below is the census record for the Andreas Stahli household. It is number 95 on the left side page (there has been a numbering mistake and a number 95 is also on the right side page.) Listed in the household is his wife Elsbeth Guttin; his son Heini; and Heini's wife, Verena Gallmann. Below them are two other people in the house, Heini Suter and Vroneg Freyin. I am unable to determine their relationship to Andreas. I could use some help to determine what their relationships are to my 9th great grandfather, Andreas. Thank you.
Heini Suter sein Knecht
Vroneg Freyin die Magd
So both were servants living in this household.
BTW - I read the surname as Stehli (today spelled Stähli).0