Records not available online
I'm hoping to access baptism records that are on a microfilm roll located at the Family History Center in SLC on the International B1 floor. The microfilm roll isn't available online. I think it's not available online because there are also birth records that are in the 1950s (from another parish) that are on the same roll, so I assume it is because of privacy reasons as people listed may still be alive…in any case, the records I'm looking to access are in the 1787-1828 range.
Is there any way to request that FamilySearch adds the sections that include individuals where there is no privacy concern because they're no longer living? Or is there another way to review these records without visiting SLC?
The details of the records in question are listed below…
Records: Akta urodzeń 1787-1828, Księgi metrykalne, 1662-1960, Ludzisko Parafja (Mogilno)
Film Number: 2150717 (Items 5 and 6)
Image Group Number: 8120929
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
We cannot change the rules regarding the access of the records on Internet. These rules are set by the archives which allowed us to scan their records. But if you let us know the details of the record you need, since I am serving in the Library I may try to find it. If I find it, I can translate it, but will not be able to attach the scan to my reply. I may check about your request if the record you need is available in the archives which have it and you may contact them to obtain it for a fee.