Help with notation on baptismal record
Any chance of a link to the full image, or at least a screenshot without a stray tooltip obscuring the first word?
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Looking again after some sleep.... The obscured word is probably nőnek, so:
This woman's legal husband went to America.
Mihály Pótis, as the one whom she currently lives with, acknowledged the child as his own.I'd still be interested in a link to the full page: does it really use Borbola (or Borbolya) rather than the standard Borbála (=Barbara)?
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There are two pages, I do have the full page of page two if you would like. Her name was listed as Borbala on the record. Sorry, I haven't been on family search for a few days! This family is a bit of a mystery, I believe she may have eventually married Mihaly Potis (my ancestor) but still doing research. They were from Pinkocz, but there is a Mihaly Potis and Borbala Sirochman in a village called Bezo who later had additional children. Trying to unravel all of it! Thank you very much for your help!
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Bező (Bežovce) and Ungpinkócz (Pinkovce) are immediately neighboring villages, less than 3 miles apart, with no river to cross or anything. (Pinkócz is on the Ung, Bező is a bit north of it.) It is thus somewhat surprising that they both had a Reformed (aka Calvinist or Helvetic confession) church locally.
1913 gazetteer:
Bező, small community, Ung county, Ungvár district, 392 houses, 1699 inhabitants, languages ("ethnicities") mostly Slovak, some German; churches Greek Catholic, Reformed; Roman Catholics recorded in Jenke, civil registry local.
Ungpinkócz, small community, administrates: Molics farm; Ung county, Ungvár district, 75 houses, 431 inhabitants, mostly Slovak, some Hungarian; Reformed church; Roman Catholics in Jenke, Greek Catholics in Lakárd, civil registry in Bező.There was at least one other Sirochman Borbála in Bező; she married a Kovács Mihály in 1898 ( I did not see another Pótis, however, so I think the Pótis-Sirochman couple in Bező moved there from Pinkócz. Unfortunately, proving this is made, ah, rather impossible by the unavailability of the Pinkócz film.
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Thank you so much for your help, I've actually been to Salt Lake to view the Pinkocz film, that is how I had a copy of Istvan's baptismal record. Of course there are hundreds of pages of records and not always extracted perfectly so I am slowly going through the pages. Luckily we live only 8 hours away from Salt Lake! :) Thank you again for your help, I'm glad to hear the villages are close together. This week I'm working on getting records from my great grandparent's church in Pennsylvania, after many years of looking for my great-grandmother, my cousin found a copy of my grandmother's baptismal record and asked if I wanted it! Her mother is rumored to have died in child birth with her. No living person had her name until this record surfaced. All four of my grandparents immigrated to the USA in the early 19th century, my dad's parents from Priekopa and my mom's from Nagy Laz and Szerednye now in the Ukraine. Have just started on Ukraine records, the Slovakian ones are much easier!
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I learn so much through this community, not many people that I have worked with in a Family Search center know anything about records from that part of the world. A lot of finding has been through trial and error, but I've found back to my 3rd great grandparent's on my Slovakia lines.