Translation Request: Schwäbisch-Hall Death Record for Johannes Horlacher
Request translation of the following death record. Many thanks…
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Annus Salutiferi Partus 1666
Diensttags, den 11. December
Johannes Horlacher, Bürger und Beck allhir, ist ehelich erzeugt undt geboren, auch durch die h. Tauf widergeboren, ao 1610 Feb den 25 Febr. zu Gauchshausen. Sein Vatter ward Hanß Horchlacher allda, Sein Mutter Apollonia Engelhardtin, die ihne Christlich erzogen, u. ao 1629 zum Becker Handwerck allhir erliehen?, welches er gebührend erlernt, u. darauf 3. jahr lang gewandert. Ao 1636 d. 1. Marty sich verehelicht mit Elisabetha, Hl Georg Melchior Feyerabends S. Bürgers allhir nachgelaßenen wittib, biß dato zugebracht 30. jahr und 40. wochen, erzeugt 1. Sohn, so noch bey leben, und 1. Tochter, die längst gestorben. Er ward schon lang mit einem leibsgebrechen behaftet, und nun bey 9. Wochen an der Waßersucht bettlägerig, starb Sonntags den 9. diß, morgens zwischen 4. und 5. uhr.Translation:
The Year of the Savior's Birth 1666
Tuesday, the 11th of December
Johannes Horlacher, local citizen and baker, was conceived and born in wedlock, also reborn by holy baptism, in the year 1610, February 25th in Gauchshausen. His father was Hans Horchlacher there, his mother Apollonia Engelhardt, who brought him up as a Christian, and in 1629 taught him the trade of a baker, which he duly learnt, and then travelled for 3 years. On 1 March 1636 he married Elisabetha, the surviving widow of the late Georg Melchior Feyerabend, who was with him for 30 years and 40 weeks and bore him a son, who is still alive, and a daughter, who died long ago. He had ill for a long time, and had now been bedridden with dropsy for nine weeks, and died on Sunday the 9th of this month, between 4 and 5 o'clock in the morning.1
Thank you very much