Quality Score suggestion
Part of my job as a research scientist for 20+ years included designing and managing databases, so I do have experience with data quality. "High Quality" data meant no errors in the database records. If data was missing it was flagged as "Missing" or "Out of Range" so the original records could be reevaluated and appropriate changes made in the database.
I sort of understand FS's desire to flag the missing/non-matching information. But assigning a "High Quality" rating is misleading when it's pointing out the missing or non-matching information.
So why not drop the quality rating and keep the categories, something along the lines of this mock-up?
As just another user, I think that removing the score and just showing facts of the matter would address concerns in other posts that the score doesn't alway seem to make sense. However, there are other matters at play.
How would not having the score accomplish one of the purposes of the feature which is getting people (not me, of course, just those other people) to leave good data alone? Users have been asking for years for FamilySearch to institute some kind of hindrance for bad editing. That High quality label is supposed to get users to slow down, to very carefully think over any changes to the data, and to be certain any edits they make are improving and correcting data, not introducing errors.