Translation Request - Polish - Emigration Record

I'm looking for help translating this emigration document from Polish to English if possible please. I've been able to Google Translate some of it, especially the typed text, but am struggling being able to read some of the handwriting. I'm hoping that maybe someone who knows Polish will be more successful.
For anyone who's interested, this is the resource I got the document from -
Thank you so much!
Marya Wertepna Borki Wielkie - 1926 - RG-31.104M.0140.00000354-S - HIGH QUALITY.jpg
Warszawa, Street Marszalkowska 144. Page 199.
Cunard Line, Tarnopol
For farmers and agricultural laborers, intending to immigrate to Canada
Directed to Emigration Office in Warszawa
Or to
Branch of Emigration Office in Lviv
Name and surname: Marya Wertepna, daughter of Krynol (Hrynol?)
Age: born year 1906
Occupation: an agricultural laborer
Number of family members intending to emigrate together with this person, their names and ages: she will be alone
Addres: residence of those intending to emigrate, village: Borki Wielkie, Tarnopol, District Borki Wielkie
Religion: Greek-Catholic
Ownership of property (a farm, buildings, inventory): 2 acres of fields
Estimated value of property: $260.00
Will someone stay on the farm or will it be sold and to whom: it will be sold to pay for travel
How much money will the person have after paying for the ship ticket: $50.00
Does this person intend to return to this country or intends to bring later relatives to Canada, and who would that be: so far she does not know
I request the certificate for the free of charge emigration passport.
Signature: Marya Wertepna
Stamp 9045, dated 31st March 1926
The truthfulness of the above declaration is confirmed by the municipal office, Borki Wielkie, 27th March 1926. Stamp and signature.
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Eppich Maria - thank you, I appreciate this so much! Makes my day. ☺