Are there records in Dhuy, Namur, Belgium during 1798?
In a tree we are working on, another user has created a bunch of people with specific vital details, such as birth and death dates and locations, but no sources are attached. We have been working hard on finding those sources and attaching them. So far, most have been spot on accurate and easy to find, however, there is a date written down for this one individual that took place 9 September 1798. None of the catalog items in Family Search seem to cover 1797-1800 fully in Dhuy. I know that these were the years of terror in France during the Revolution, but am not sure if this affected Dhuy in any way. Are there records for 1798 in Dhuy, or did they have to register a little later due to the Revolution, as I have seen in some French records? I can give more details about it today, since I will be working with the lady I help today, but any ideas sure would help.
these are good questions. A couple things. First, the Reign of Terror ended several years before the date you mention.
There are records in the FS catalog for Dhuy that cover this time period, but I am not sure what record type you are refering to with this individual.
Baptêmes, sépultures 1713-1805 Mariages 1779-1796
Can you expound on this: did they have to register a little later due to the Revolution, as I have seen in some French records?\
During what time period, i.e. for how long? For which events? How long did they wait? How common was this waiting? This would be extremely important information to know for French research. I would certainly want to know more about this. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge and expertise.
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A quick view in the Dhuy portfolio shows indeed it is very lean on content.
Dhuy seized to exist as a town of its own in 1977 , and became a dependency of
éghezée, but a quick check there shows the same ,..very lean on content.
If you have names i could help--,