Translation Request - Birth Record-Antoni Krok -1858

Please help with the wordage and accuracy of this Birth Record. Thank you, I appreciate it. Mattie
Birth Record no. 17. Przemysl Catholic Parish, Roman Catholic Archives, Nowa Wies, House no. 63, dated 10 June 1858, Baptism 10 June 1858, of Antonius (Antoni in Polish) Krok, a legitimate son of father: Franciscus (Franciszek in Polish) Krok, a farmer, and of mother: Anna, born Banas, daughter of Andreas (Andrzej) Banas and Marianna, daughter of Sebastianus (Sebastian in Polish) Barć, married couple. Witnesses: Andreas (Andrzej) Jacek, a farmer, and Marianna wife of Josephus (Jozef in Polish) Krok, a farmer. Signed by Jacobus (Jakub in Polish) Kolanko.
Birth Record no. 17. Przemysl, Catholic Parish, Roman Catholic Archives, of Antonius (Antoni in Polish) Krok, born in Nowa Wies, House no. 63, on the 10th June 1858, baptized on 10th June 1858, a legitimate son of father: Franciscus (Franciszek in Polish) Krok, a farmer, and of mother: Anna, born Banas, daughter of Andreas (Andrzej) Banas and Marianna, born Barć, a legitimate daughter of Sebastianus (Sebastian in Polish) Barć. Godparents: Andreas (Andrzej) Jacek, a farmer, and Marianna, wife of Josephus (Jozef in Polish) Krok, a farmer.
Mattie, you are doing really well translating, just few comments that may clarify this record. Please note that it is written, Marianna, daughter of Sebastianus (Sebastian) Barć, conjugum. It means that Marianna, born Barć, was a legitimate daughter of Sebastianus (Sebastian) Barć. Or you may write: daughter of married Sebastianus (Sebastian) Barć. But there is no "married couple," as his wife is not listed.
Patrini in the heading in the last column means not Witnesses, but Godparents. Jacobus (Jakub) Kolanko baptized and wrote this record, he was a Priest, we usually do not include the name of priest in the translation of the record. I congratulate you on your atttention to the details in translations. It will be very helpful also in your future research and translations.
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Dear Maria,
I appreciate the helpful translation details. I have been without my Latin-English word lists but I have them now.
conjugum = [Name of child] was born legitimately Or your example:
"Marianna, born Barć, a legitimate daughter of Sebastianus Barć"
Testes = Witnesses
Patrini = Godparents
Is it safe to say that all of the birth records that are Roman Catholic "Godparents" and all of the civil records are "Witnesses"?
I did not realize the signature was the priest, I thought it was part of the notation.
Thank you so much for helping me get this correct, and for being patient especially when I make the same errors repeatedly. I do appreciate learning how to improve and understand these records. It is such a gift to discover so much about my ancestors through what records are available.
I appreciate it,
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Mattie, you are doing just fine. And it is safe to translate with baptism - Godparents, and with Civil Records entry - as Witnesses.
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Thank you, I appreciate it. Mattie