Translation request: Schwäbisch-Hall Death Record
Request translation of the attached death record for Hans Horlacher (last entry on page). I know he died on Oct 9, 1635 at the age of 42 and was buried the next day. Looking for any info on where he lived, father, spouse and or children. Thank you very much…
Meilleure réponse
Hans Horlacher von Hesenthall, sonst gebürtig von Weckhrid(?), seines Alters bey 42 Jahren. Ehestands /in welchem er 3. Söhnlein gezeuget, davon noch 2. bey leben./ 9 Jahr ist in der Lausterin? Hauß allhir, Montags abend, als den 19. October selig entschlafen, und folgenden Dienstags zu Abends umb 3. Uhr, Christlich zur Erde bestattet worden. Ist bey einem gantzen Jahr sehr übell aufgewesen.
Hans Horlacher from Hesenthall, otherwise a native of Weckhrid(?), aged about 42 years. Married 9 years /in which he fathered 3 sons, 2 of whom are still alive/. He died blessedly in the Lausterin? House here on Monday evening, as the 19th of October, and was buried in the ground in the Christian manner on the following Tuesday at 3 p.m. He had been very unwell for a whole year.
"Hesenthall" is probably Hessental in Meyers; "Weckhrid" may be Weckrieden.
Unfortunately no relatives are mentioned by name.
Many thanks for your willingness to translate these documents