mystery I need help solving / translation (trying again)

Hi! I have a mystery I need help with. I added translation because the records are in Italian (although I can read them).
Felice Antonia Gensale (b. 20 Dec 1949 in Montefalcione) was the daughter of Francesco Saverio Gensale and Maria Giuseppa Polcaro. I have found a 10 Aug 1872 Montefalcione marriage record for Felice to Giuseppantonio Esposito. It’s one of those records in long hand cursive. The record is located on the top left side (pag. 11):
There may be some hints (see further down regarding my mystery) that I can’t understand due to either the handwriting or Italian.
Here is Giuseppantonio Esposito’s 1853 birth record (pag. 31):
The next record I have found for Felice is and 1875 birth record for her son, Antonio in Montefalcione (I am a DNA match with 2 of his granddaughters (sisters) with the last name Dalelio. I have a 6th great grandmother with the surname d’Alelio as well as some d’Alelio cousins through marriages in Montefalcione so I wanted to trace back her line to see if I would find any hints for my 6th gr grandmother.
Surprisingly, I discovered that Antonio's name is listed as Melone Alelio Antonio in the 1875 birth record index in Montefalcione. His father's name on the record is: Giuseppe Melone d'Alelio / Mother's name is listed as Felice Gensale. The birthdate on this record is 25 July 1875 (pag. 32 / numero 86)
This made me question - what happened to Giuseppantonio Esposito? I did a search and did not find a death record between the time he married Felice and the time Antonio was born. I also did a search for a marriage after Aug 1872 and before Antonio’s birth between a Giuseppantonio Melone or a Giuseppantonio d’Alelio. None found. My next thought was, perhaps they were married in another town? Since Felice was born & living in Montefalcione, I would assume the marriage would take place in Montefalcione, but I have found marriages in the birth town of the husband. Melone is not a common name in Montefalcione (at least up until the 1870’s).
Please bear with me as the mystery continues…
The next birth record I have found is for an Angelo Raffaele d’Alelio (7 Jul 1877). The name for both the father and child is listed just as d’Alelio (no Melone mentioned) in this record (pag. 23/ numero 57):
Their next child was born in 1879 - the record gives her name as Angela Maria d’Alelio Mellone! Her father is listed as Giueppantonio d’Alelio Mellone in this record (pag. 39 / numero 107):
The final child I have found was born in 1881 - her name is listed as Maria Filomena d’Alelio Mellone. This record was reported by the town midwife (I see her name on lots of records). Maria Filomena’s father’s name is listed as Giueppe d’Alelio Mellone in this record (pag. 42 / numero 120):
AND… I have found Felice’s 1883 Montefalcione death record. Her husband’s name is listed as Giuseppe d'Alelio Mellone in this record (pag. 38 / numero 124):
*Son, Antonio’s NYC marriage and death records both list his name simply as Antonio Dalelio. Father’s name is listed as Giuseppe / Joseph. No last name given (which is not surprising) on these records. Antonio’s 1928 naturalization record lists his name as Antonio D’Alelio, No mention of Mellone or Melone is found in any further record for Antonio.
**SO… why the double name - Melone/Mellone and d’Alelio for Giuseppantonio? Was this the same Giuseppantonio Esposito? I have found one other person linked to my family with 2 different names/switching names after the marriage. Otherwise, I’ve never seen this happen. OR should I be searching for a Giuseppantonio Melone/Mellone in another town?
There is a Montefalcione birth record for a Giuseppantonio d’Alelio (a definite relative of mine) b. 23 Jul 1852 (pag. 38 / N. 73):
I have not found further records for him… I don’t know if this is the Giuseppantonio (father of Felice’s children). No marriage record found for him…. but maybe???
Thank you to anyone reading this mystery to the end. Any thoughts??
*somehow I think I might have deleted this post/question so I am trying again….
Most likely Giuseppantonio Esposito / Giuseppantonio Melone d'Alelio / Giuseppantonio Melone / Giuseppantonio d'Alelio are all the same person.
Esposito, as you probably know, was a widely used surname for abandoned babies in Campania. Giuseppantonio was not a foundling himself, but someone in his male ancestral line was, and the surname carried forward through the generations. In other parts of Italy, various made-up surnames were assigned to foundlings. Carrying a surname like Esposito or some other surname that stuck out like a sore thumb in your town because nobody else had that surname was a bit of a stigma for folks. So to get rid of the stigma, people would adopt different surnames, informally or formally, and that's likely what happened in this case. Such a change might not have been made through fully legal or proper channels though - they may have just started going by their new adopted name. So you might not be able to find any sort of proof tying the names to the same person. But then again, you might - look in the birth records for Montefalcione from 1870-1880 or so for a recordation of a change in surname approved by the court.
Or look for the death record of Giuseppantonio's father and see if maybe he changed his surname. Or look for Giuseppantonio's death and see if his parents match those listed in the 1872 marriage and the 1853 birth record.
I have found through Google Books extracts of decrees from the Italian government approving the use of a new surname, so that's another route you can go.
FWIW, the actor Christopher Meloni is a descendant of a foundling himself (see Finding Your Roots S7E4) - the name Meloni means melons in Italian (the singular is Melone), so your guy may have just swapped a common foundling surname for a less-common one.
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Hi Vinny,
Didn't see this til now and didn't think my message went through a 2nd time. Appreciate your reply. SantaNinfa contacted me after the 1st message and before my 2nd try was posted.
I am aware of the meaning of Esposito. This Giuseppantonio Esposito's birth record lists his parents (father's name was also Esposito). There also is a Giuseppantonio d'Alelio born about the same time. That's what makes it complicated. The dual name Mellone d'Alelio or d'Alelio Mellone (in some records - Melone) is what puzzles me.
I have been searching for a death record… am up through 1906 so far. No records in Montefalcione for 1907. He may have married again though, which may make it more difficult if the spouses name is listed. I did search for a 2nd marriage, but none found. He may have married a second time in another town though.
It may just stay a mystery or maybe I'll get lucky and find a record for him to solve this mystery. I have seen that Finding your Roots episode!
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I just did a search through the rest of the available death records (1908-1945). None that match.
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I think the mystery is solved. Thank you for your help. The 1944 death record I originally did not give much thought to, is indeed Giuseppantonio d'Alelio… previously Esposito. I went back and realized it was the same parents as noted in Giuseapppantonio's birth record. He did marry again and most likely in another town (2nd wife's name often from Pratola Serra). Thank you again so much for your help! Linking his death record:
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AND to seal the deal, I found his 2nd marriage record (in Pratola Serra) - parents in this record for Giuseppantonio d'Alelio were listed as Antonio and Angela Pepe. Same parents as listed on Giuseppantonio Esposito's birth record and Giuseppantonio D'Alelio's death record with his 2nd wife listed. He dropped the Melone on his 2nd marriage record.