Issue with profile of Anna von Flue (GMXC-DG8).
This profile connects to Niklaus von Flue (Bruder Klaus of Switzerland), and is documented in the family tree at the back of Johann Ming's 1861 book "Der selige Bruder Nikolaus von Flüe, sein Leben und Wirken". As his 4th great-granddaughter, Anna von Flue was born in approx 1637 (GMXC-DG8).
The FS profile for Anna von Flue has had numerous amendments and more than one merge. I believe this resulted in a conflation of records which I cannot resolve, hampered by my inability to access local Swiss archive records. Her profile shows two husbands named Hans Seiler, and each relationship join brings with it a daughter:
Hans Seiler, born 1620 (GMX8-DZB); daughter Maria Johanna Seiler, born 1658 (GMXS-VJF)
Hans Seiler, born 1645 (GRQ9-HVC); daughter Maria Magdalena Seiler, born 1675 (GMX3-DZ1)
Barbara von Flue branch_second cousin marriage possibility w sources.png
Jakob von Flue branch_other possibility w sources.png
The two daughters branch out into completely different families. I have confidence that both branches are accurate as they are based on church book records provided to FS users by Giswill genealogists.
The confusion seemed to arise because Anna von Flue, from Sachseln, Obwalden married her husband from another community. The two possibilities are shown in the attached branches above. A possibility which may help explain the second branch is also attached below, except that Hans Seiler's wife is named Anna Flueckin. While researching this matter, a query to ChatGPT yielded the following response:
"Anna Flueckin / Anna Fluk": In historical Swiss records, especially in the 17th century, variations in spelling were common. "Flueckin" or "Fluk" could easily be alternate spellings or local renditions of "von Flue." The suffix "-kin" (or "-in") is a typical ending for female names in certain German-speaking regions, indicating that she is a woman (like the "von Flue" family), but this could have been transcribed differently over time or in different records."
Seiler wildcard possibility.png
Since the families are fairly prominent, hopefully this will assist in locating the relevant documents in order to correct the family tree.
Did you figure out your merge? Are you a member of
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Not yet. I'll check that out. Thanks LaRue.