looking for grandfather.
i have arrived here looking for ideas, my journey has been steady since 2015, and has had its twists and turns that ended up, after a lot of facts discovered, needing to be deleted of a whole lot of people that went back to 1742 that turned out not to be related after all. years of searching and i am right back where i began. with no more ides on what to do. i find myself here. i dont consider myself a novice as i have learned a lot. but heres the story…
my father a wonderful sweet man of great humor passed in 1995 at 65. his mother filiberta aguilar her maiden name and his father a one night stand that lasted 2 weeks.( he never knew my father existed). filiberta was 15, his father 15 also. fili had an older sister named maria. at the time filiberta was expecting my father she lived with maria who already had grown children. maria, was 2 years older but had married before she even had her first period. (her story). maria and her crotchity ol husband, adopted my father and no one was the wiser , not my father, not her parents, no one. his cousins all believed they were brothers and sisters, he was the youngest boy. one younger sister. fili never saw the father again, he was never seen again. fili never married and never had other children.
on Ancestry since 2015 i have submitted 2 female dnas and one male. none of which has helped to narrow down his father. i cant even narrow down a last name. thank you in advance for any ideas… i am fresh out.
my father jose aguilar 1928 his mother filiberta aguilar 1894 her sister maria cuevas 1892
her sis husband antonio segura 1886 backdrop: senor san jose de ojuelos, ojuelos de
jalisco, jalisco, mexico.
Hello, some questions here, have any other paternal relatives tested? I would upload to either Gedmatch (matches from several companies) or to Familytreedna with a known relative (both have x-dna included, inherited from mother, also father's mother, it may help sorting. What about your mother, is she alive still?
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only my nephew, only male alive in family. my mothers side of tree is packed. shes from a small town. 5 pages from 1930 census. the whole town i have mapped out. on my fathers side , i have my father, deceased, and his biological mother, deceased. i have their info, her birth certificate but his i have not found. thinking he was born under a different name.