Translation Request: Schwäbisch-Hall Death Record
Request translation of attached church death record. David Horlacher was born 1593 and died 1661. Parents were Michael Horlacher and Agathe Feyerabend. Married Anna Maria Sanwald in 1622 but only children I have were born in 1642 and 1644. Trying to understand number/identity of children and whether he married a second time. Thank you…
Meilleure réponse
Monday, 15 April [1661]
The Noble, Honourable, Learned and Respectable Mr David Horlacher was legitimately conceived and born on 6 November 1593; his father was Mr Melchior Horlacher, member of the Inner Town Council here, and also administrator of the Egen Foundation. His grandfather, however, was Mr Michael Horlacher, also a member of the Inner Council and tax collector, as well as a member of the upper guardianship court; his mother was née Feyerabend, all of them long since deceased blessed in God. After his birth he was baptised, then brought up in a Christian manner, instructed in church and school, especially in Latin, in which he passed all the classes, gained several praemia diligentiae, and, besides music, in which he practised diligently, made such progress that in 1611 he was sent by his dear parents to Nuremberg to the school of St. Lorenz, but in 1612 he went from there to Magdeburg to the grammar school, where he obtained good conditions with a canon; in 1614 he went from there to the University of Helmstedt and then to Leipzig, as well as to Wittenberg and Jena, in which 4 universities he stayed for 3 years, without his parents in charge, as he then diligently pusued the study of law in addition to the P__?, "opposing and answering in both public and private colleges." In 1617 he was entrusted by Mr D. Paul Brückner, Syndicus of the Imperial city of Schweinfurt, with its record keeping, which he faithfully carried out for two years in addition to the Studio Practico, so that the same recommended him to Count Philip Ernst in Langenburg, who in 1619 entrusted to him the office of registry and chamber clerk there; until in February 1620 he married, by the providence of God, Mrs. Magdalena née Lütz, widow of Mr Matthias Dötschman, Procurator of the local Council, and for two and a half years they had an pleasant marriage, but without heirs.On 4. November 1622 he married for the second time, with maiden Anna Maria, the surviving daughter of Mr. Wilhelm Thomas Sanwald, the (former) mayor of the town, now his most distressed widow, with whom he had a peaceful marriage for 38 years and 23 weeks, fathered 8 sons and 5 daughters, of whom, however, only two sons are known to be alive (apart from a son abroad, of whom no news has been received for several years), of whom the elder Dr. Sigmund has already obtained his doctorate, is well married, and is councillor of the Imperial City of Windheim; however the younger Wolf Dietrich, though still unmarried, still awaits his fortune every day; and then there are two daughters still alive, both of whom are married, as he has already experienced 11 grandchildren from the eldest.
However, because of his good intellect and scholarship, he was gradually promoted to various positions of honour. In 1620 he was appointed to the registry and to the so-called Spittal court; in 1627 to the outer and then in 1635 to the inner council and at the same time as an administrator of Yltzhofen; in 1636 to a member of the council; in 1638 as a "Therlungsherr"(?); in 1642 as a court mayor, as well as deputy of the town mayor; in 1643 to the liege lord of the Lympurg fief? which he received a second time; in 1644 as bailiff over the rose garden; and then in 1650 as a captain of the common ____?; all of which offices he held diligently until 1651, when he resigned from his council position.
He has observed his Christianity well, with diligent attendance and listening to the sermons of the Divine Word and the timely reception of Holy Communion, as happened 5 weeks ago, first of all in public churches, also at home his Christian meditations, thus showing himself penitent and humble before his dear God, reverent towards the preaching office, kind and friendly towards his friends and neighbours, and mild and merciful towards the poor.
However, as a sinner, as he readily confesses, he is exposed to many pains and discomforts, even to death itself, for he was attacked (all other things being equal) last Monday the 8th at 1 a.m. with a severe side sting, against which he immediately, on the advice of the medical doctor, diligently used precious medicines; on the evening of Good Friday, however, a strong flux settled on his chest, causing great weakness, which is why, in response to his written confession, which he had understandably made, albeit with pain, and after hearing absolution, he was given the Most Holy Communion in the night between 12 and 1 o'clock, and was consoled by the Word of God; Then, abandoning himself entirely to the merciful will of God, he remained in prayer until between two and three o'clock in the morning, when he fell asleep peacefully in the presence of his Saviour, retaining his sense, hearing and sight almost to the end.
Sincerest thanks for the detailed translation. Greatly appreciate your willingness to translate longer records. As with your other translations, I will upload the translation to applicable Family Search family trees and update details as appropriate. Thanks again…