"Feedback" button DOES NOT work on *any* FamilySearch Labs page
I spent over a (delightful) hour investigating the "Full Text Page" experiment. As an advanced Researcher, I appreciated the initial usage of AI to decipher textual content, but also found several examples where ALL necessary "day-month" information was skipped and only "year" transcribed. The particular database I was examining had about 30 English Parishes listed, and it was impossible to determine the correct location displayed on the Image Page itself. I do realize that the AI text has to be "evaluated" (corrected) by human eyes, but the Concept itself is Exciting. Some pages, when "Image" was selected had NO AI-transcription at all [probably too faint for machine 'eyes', but my own could decipher much of the Latin text.] In short — to ask for "Try It" and "Feedback" — but not be able to give ANY at all — discourages the purpose of "Labs". "Community" has a return-to-itself loop when one tries to use that instead. I hope this alternative method of attempting honest feedback will at least reach the desk of someone seeking it.
Various browser extensions, including adblockers and pop-up blockers, often adversely affect the Feedback button.
It also is occasionally glitchy - a first attempt to use gives an error message, but a second attempt on the same page and same browser, just a few seconds later, will proceed normally.
Try using a different browser. Try disabling any adblockers for FamilySearch.