marriage translation requested --Reinhard Krück
I know that Reinhard Krück's parents are deceased but I just cannot figure the wording of this marriage. Please provide the transcription of the ???? words.
Marriage June 8 1830 (incidently a second child was born on the same day)
Reinhard Krück, Day laborer, ?????? Daylaborer David Kruck and ??????Anna Catharina nee Müller?????? son married
Anna Gelasia Ullrich, linenweaver Johannes Ullrich ?? frau (wife) Anna Christina nee Krück ??daughter
Thank you so much.
Here's the translation of the marriage -
8 June - Reinhardt Krüeck, day laborer, legitimate surviving son of the deceased day laborer David Krüeck from here and his + [deceased] wife Anna Catharina nee Müller, with
Anna Gelasia Ullrich, legitimate daughter of the linen weaver Johannes Ullrich and his wife Anna Christina nee Krück.
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Here's the translation of the death record -
Reinhardt Krück, day laborer, the last of the veterans in Rockensüss, widower of Anna Gelasia, nee Ullrich.
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Thank you very much.
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Could you provide the transcript of the marriage record for the section on Reinhardt. I am trying to recognize the letters and script.
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Sure, here's the transcription -
Junius den 8ten
Reinhardt Krüeck, Taglöhner, des dahier verst[orbenen] Taglöhners David Krüeck und dessen + Ehefr[au] Anna Catharina geb. Müller nachgel[assenen] ehel[ichen] Sohn mit
Anna Gelasia Ullrich, des Leinwebers Johannes Ullrich und dessen Ehefrau Anna Christina geb Krüeck ehel. Tochter.
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Thank you—now I am seeing that abbreviations or shortened versions of words were used. I can't promise my english brain will respond to the german but I will just keep trying.