Translation Request: Denmark
Would anyone be able to translate this birth record for Maria Pedersdatter? It is at the top of the page. Thank you!!,95397215
The christening date is 18 past Trinitatis (22 September 1799). The rest of the record reads: Estate's cottager Peder Olsen in Lindholtshuuset (brought) a daughter to baptism (ie. to be baptized) and was called Maria. Maid Ana Andersdatter of Schamstrup held the child (during the baptism). Godparents/sponsors were farmer Jørgen Larsen and cottager Niels Jensen in Tømmerup, ____________(cottager?) Peder Andersen in Lindholthuuset, small farmers Corth Larsen and Christen Paulsen in Nørreskovs huus______.
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Do you know where Lindholtshuuset is? Is it a township?
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I do not know where LIndholtshuuset would be. But I suspect it is either a farm or a house (since "huus/hus = house" and "huuset/huset = the house").
There is a farm in Skamstrup (Schamstrup) parish, Lindholtsgård, but that is the only "Lindholts-anything" I can find in all of Holbæk county.