Help please with translation of birth record

Den 20ten Septemb wurde Joh. Georg Grimmen, Nachbar alhier ux. Anna Barbara Köhlerin eine Tochter gebohren und den 21ten eiusd. getauft. test. Catharina Mararetha, Valentin Grimms Nachbarn und Gerichtdieners alhier jünster Tochter virg. d. 11. Octbr? Name: Catharina Margaretha 1851
On September 20, a daughter was born to Johann Georg Grimm, local resident and his wife Anna Barbara Köhle and baptized on the 21st of the same months. Witness: Catharina Mararetha, youngest daughter of Valentin Grimm, local resident and court servant. ___? on October 11. Name: Catharina Margaretha 1851
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Thank you,
Paula Rail