Translation Request - Swedish Marriage Record
Top left page, item 29 Backström and Hammarström marriage.
1st Problem: Person Page #KFBT-NSB, Anna Maja Hammarström has Han Ludvig Hammarström listed as Father, which I believe is correct. She has a second father listed G.M. Hammarström, PID# G358-D88, which I believe is incorrect and directly related to either the transcription and/or interpretation of the document. There are numerous G. M. listed down both pages in the Anmarkninger column (Remarks?). G[ospel] M[inister] ??
2nd Problem: Still working from Person Page #KFBT-NSB, Anna Maja Hammarström that Eric Aaggstrom, PID# L4P6-9VM is a transcription and/or interpretation error of the document and that he should be merged to Erik Backström, PID# LJ18-TJP. If this is indeed correct, then the resulting child, Anders Ericsson, PID#L4P6-9JB should be merged to Anders Backström, PID# KHMG-QQB
Tack for any and all assistance you are able to extend
1: there is no problem!
Birth record Ramsberg C:5 picture 186Arboga Landsföramling Ala:13 page 162 in Garpströmmen, note that Hans Ludvig is on 2 different rows
Arboga landsförsamling Ala:14 page 200 in Garpströmmen, moved 1808 to Linde
Lindesberg Ala:27 page 454 as Anna, not online
Lindesberg Ala:28 page 63 as Anna Maria Hammarström, and above her is a note "Backströms Hustru" = the wife of Backström.
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2: still no problem!, The birth records of the first 3 children says they have the same father
First childSecond Child
Third child
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As for problem 1, GM is new to me but it could mean gårdsman, owner of a farm. Then it says Hammarsmeden Hammarström i xxx, far. It's a reference to Anna Maja's father here referenced as hammer smith Hammarström living in xxx, father.
2: should be merged
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GM probably means "Giftoman", see column heading.
"In older Swedish law, the "Giftoman" was the person who decided on and authorised a woman's marriage. Women were minors and the law required the father or other close relative to approve the prospective fiancé and the marriage."