Departure Point
Seems like there's two ways to interact with the FamilySearch 'Master' holdings search function. Starting with what you want or starting with where you are….
Finding what you want first, regardless of where you are, can tell you what you may need to do in the way of potential travel to a physical location. This would be primarily true for physical [non digitized] items. But that said, an item may be a restricted digital holding which could require accessing a FamilySearch facility.
But most of us are more likely to be interested in what has unrestricted on-line availability from your home or public library.
So given that, I'd say that the current departure point using — Any… Online… FamilySearch Center… interface could be modified to FamilySearch Library… Online [Unrestricted]… FamilySearch Center. And instead of discrete radio buttons, allow multiple selections. One key point would be that FamilySearch Library results would exclude anything within the FamilySearch Digital Library, as those items would be considered as online/unrestricted. Same would go for anything along the same lines for something from a FamilySearch Center
Just a thought realizing that's only one persons perspective
@Mark McKenzie_1 Thank you for your input on the FamilySearch catalog. I have noted your suggestion/enhancement and will inform the product team.