Translation Request
Do you have a link for this, please? Also, please tell us what you have figured out this far.
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I found the link on FamilySearch and am working on the translation.
1 -, Fülnek, 3rd down, born: 25 April 1868 and christened 28 April 1868, House 37, Infant: Robert Richerd Nelhiebel-Vaczulik, gebornen E__ blaschk N.E. 70 M Fülnek,
Father: Richard Nelhiebel Tüchfabrikant=cloth manufacturer in Fülnek son of +deceased Paul Nelhiebel Tücherzeügras=cloth grass in Fülnek and deceased Sofia born Esler Jakob Feldwebel=Sergeant from Kaünitz RegimenteMother: Theresia daughter of deceased Alois Wescheta (Wischata) Herrschaftlicher=Lordl Gütszächters=estate manager Richter=Reeve an official representing nobility, in Seitendorf and der Leapoldina geboren Josef Böhm Herrschaftlichen=Lord Verwnetnes in Sznecibsch? n Bohmann.
Paragraph at bottom Des Erlasses des Minist? für C in Unterreicht dto 7 October 1905 Z. 42.878 und Siuun der note der k.k. Stn_ha ? v.14/10 1905 Z. 49.781
Google translate: "The decree of the Minister for C. in Education dated 7 October 1905, no. 42.878 and the note of the k.k. Stn_ha something dated 14/10 1905, no. 49.781"Godparents: Frank Heinz Tuchfabrikant cloth manufacturer, Leopoldine Witwe=widow Tuchfabrikant cloth manufacturer and an x (could not write) for Alois Wischata Gütszächters=estate manager in Seitendorf
Another option for looking at records. Digital Archives of the Regional Archives in Opava,
Fulnek "At the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century, Fulnek developed rapidly thanks to cloth and weaving production.[2]"
19th century map
Current map: Census For Fülnek arranged by House # not indexed yet. Later years are available Some censuses are indexed within the record.
I found Magdalena Nelhiebel born 19/7 1791 Theresia mother of Robert Richerd right side bottom Theresia Leopoleina Rosa Wisehata
Hladke Zivotice also in record as Seitendorf
Ortsverzeichnis von Österreich, Tschechien, Slowakei, Slowenien- Gazetteer
Lfdnr 60745
Ortsname Aktuell Hladke Zivotice
Ortsname Früher Seitendorf
Ortsname Deutsch
Ortsname Ungarisch
Ortsname Slowakisch
Ortsname Ukrainisch
Kronland Mähren
Pfarren in Tschechien (Geolocation)
Bezirk Jicin Novy
Name Matrikenbeginn zuständiges Archiv
Zuständige Pfarre - Römisch Katholisch:
Hladke Zivotice 1785/1785/1785 Troppau
Vorpfarre - Römisch Katholisch:
Kujavy 1636/1636/1779 Troppaucurrent map:
19th century map: for E's in Fulnek
Richter is German, rychtář is Czech
rychtář - Wiktionary, the free dictionaryWiktionary › wiki › rychtář
Referred to a village or small town magistrate, mainly posing as the judiciary for the given municipality. The office was cancelled in 1849.1 -
I will look at this again tomorrow.
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Thank you so much!! This part of the family history has been such a mystery to my husbands family - 30+ people :)
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You are welcome. I hope you can understand all the additional info. Feel free to ask questions. This, I have to admit, was a hard one.
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Translation request. I am very excited - with your help I am actually making progress!! This is the next entry I found:
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image 118, left side 4th down, Birth 31 January 1842, Christening: 1 February 1842, House 37, Infant: Richard Heinrich Nellhiebel, Catholic, Male, legitimate, Father: Paül Nellhiebel, tuchmacher=cloth maker master, v hier=from here, Catholic, Mother: Sophia, daughter of +deceased Jakob Eller Corporals v=from Kaünitz Inf.=Infnatry)____ and Magdalena geboren Thim Sleischhaünrmeisters=butcher's master from here. OO Marriage 6.2.1837 v 43/1
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I do like helping you but you will have so many records that will need translation and I would rather teach you how to fish. For the marriage you posted, would you please tell me what you can figure out? I will double-check it and teach you what you don't know. Czech research uses three different languages German, Czech, and Latin. I don't speak anything but English. I have put some help in the Czechia Community Resources. I would recommend taking some of the Kurrent handwriting classes. Here is a link:
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excellent - I love that idea. I will work on the link you gave me immediately
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Added some info to your Alois Wišchata and his wife. I looked at the children's christenings which I found on FamilySearch. Enjoy!
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Found a website at that uses AI to translate. Probably not perfect, but maybe gives a good place to start for people that are interested.
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I had never heard of it. If you try it please let me see an example. Did you go to Alois? I added Leopoldina's surname and her father.
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I will try it with one of your translations and we can compare them side by side. It will be fun
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Good idea.