Translation Request MR Krystian Streich and Dorota Drews 1833 Piotrków Kujawsk
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Translated from Latin (Diocese archival copy):
Marriage Record No. 11, Piotrków Kujawski, dated the 12th May 1833, Marriage Banns published, no impediment detected, of Krystian Streych (Streich), a young man and of Anna Dorothea Schieve, a widow, member of this parish and the Church Piotrków. The witnesses: Christophor Lüdke and Boguslaw Ertmann.
Translated from Polish (Parish copy)
Micr. 008302037 Image 462 of 586
Marriage Record No 11, Piotrków, Roman-Catholic Parish, dated the 12th May 1833, at 3 pm, of Chrystian Streych, a young man, farmer in Goczki, born in Boguszyckie Holedry, son of Herman and Zofia, married couple Streych, residents of Goczki, he is 34 years old, and of Dorota Schiwe, a widow after death of her husband, Gotfrid Schive, who died in Jozefki on the 22nd August 1831, she is daughter of Jan and Anna Katarzyna, married couple Dreus, who live in Kuzki (currently spelled Kózki), she is 30 years old (not 27 years old as written in Poznan Project), she was born in Kuzki and there lives with her parents. Three Marriage Banns published in Jalin (Salin?) and Piotrków Parishes. The oral permission of present parents of the groom was granted, the bride did not require such permission. No impediment detected to this marriage. This record was read to the groom, bride, and witnesses who cannot write. Witnesses: Chrystof Lüdke, a farmer from Kuzki, 50 years old, and Boguslaw Ertman, a farmer from Kuzki, 30 years old.
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@Eppich Maria, the birthplace of Krystian is given as Boguszyckie Holedry. I found a Boguszyce that is close to Goczki and Sompolno, the area where my mom was born. Do you know what the Holedry refers to?
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Holendry was name of various colonies of German settlers. Some of them you may not find on the current map. Boguszyce might be the location of Evangelical Parish for the area around, including the community which used to be Boguszyckie Holendry and its changed name.
Thank-you @Eppich Maria for the translation of the Latin Diocese copy. And thank-you for the Polish Parish copy that you found and translated and which provides more information. This is wonderful! I am learning how to find the records using the Microfiche numbers provided in the Poznan project.