Finding relatives @cousin vinny
I am trying to find more information about my grandmother’s family line (Cecilia Craparo 9VC8-973).
I know her parents are Michele Craparo ( his parents are Vito Craparo and cecilia Muscarneri) and Maria Napoli. I can’t find Maria Napoli’s parents or any siblings my grandmother Cecilia had. Can you assist?
Cecilia Craparo was born in Sciacca, Sicily 1885, church San Michele
Have you looked in the Agrigento records (civil or church) for the marriage of Michele and Maria? There is an estimated marriage date on their couple profile; where did that come from?
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I looked in the Antenati Portal and the San Michele church records as well as Olivella church records. The civil records for the estimated date are possibly damaged as the book is not on microfilm.
I am at a road block. Any guidance is appreciated.Several months ago you were able to help me with finding records for Giaimo. I found that 7 family members died on March 2, 1859 at 11 am (all on the same day). With help we found out what happened to them. A history book talks of caves from Castle Luna that were never fortified collapsed and 20 people died that day. Turns out my mother’s side of the family were the other 13 people that died. It is tragic. I am grateful for any assistance as I continue this journey to find my family
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You are not at a roadblock because you haven't thoroughly looked at the available sources.
You need to look in the FamilySearch Sciacca tribunale records for marriage publications as well as regular marriage records, and look at the other Sciacca church records. I guarantee you'll find something. 😉
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ok thank you