Sweden - Trying to find household record from birth record

Johan Ferdinand was born 8 April 1815. There are several household books but I am struggling to figure out the name of the farm. Is the farm even listed on this birth record?
There seems no address to be given in the record. Note that Norrköping is a city and that the father of Johan Ferdinand is a "police upsyningsman" = police officer. So he lived in the city and not on a farm.
The household books for Norrköping are organised by "kvarteren", i.e. city districts, and you would probably have to go through all of them to find this particular family.
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Since MyHeritage indexed the Swedish Household records for ArkivDigital, if you have a MyHeritage membership, you can search the HR in MyHeritage by name and birthdate just as you would in ArkivDigital.
I was able to find a record for "Polis Upsyn. Joh Jac Shultze" in 1814 in Norrköping St Olai. That record is here in Riksarkivet:
If you have access to MyHeritage, you can see the record here:
Unfortunately, this record is before the birth of Johan Ferdinand in 1815 and there is no record of a spouse or other family members.
If I have a chance today, I will go to a FamilySearch Center near my home to look for him in ArkivDigital (ArkivDigital's searches work a bit better than MyHeritage's searches).
I was able to find a marriage record for Johan Jacob Shultze and Anna Greta Söderholm here: https://www.myheritage.com/research/record-10180-180491297/joh-jac-schultze-in-sweden-household-examination-books#fullscreen.
I don't see any clues as to a residence for either the groom or bride.
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After doing a little more research in MyHeritage this morning, I think I have found Johan Ferdinand as a foster son. He is called J F Schultz (b. 1815) in the record and is living with bryggare (brewer) J Söderholm and his wife Anna Maria. The reason I believe this might by the same Johan Ferdinand as in your birth record is that one of the sponsors/witnesses in the baptism/christening record is "bryggern Joh Jac Soderholm". That household record is here in Riksarkivet: https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/C0017311_00111#?c=&m=&s=&cv=110&xywh=536%2C2535%2C1174%2C845.
In MyHeritage the record is here: https://www.myheritage.com/research/record-10180-180516210/fr-shultz-in-sweden-household-examination-books#fullscreen.
This might indicate that Johan Ferdinand's parents may have left him with an uncle (assuming that Joh Jac Söderholm is the brother of his mother, Anna Greta Söderholm). That is a bit of a stretch, but not out of the realm of possibility.
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Well done @Norm Baker !
I was not aware of the indexing in MyHeritage and ArkivDigital (and I don't have access to any of them), but that helps a lot!
I can add a detail: In the 1814 household examination it is noted that Joh. Jac, Schulze is born in or comes from "Zelle i Hannov. land" which probably points to Celle in Germany (see https://www.meyersgaz.org/place/10290004), which would also explain his surname Schul(t)z or Schulze, a name very frequent in Germany, but uncommon in Sweden.
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Thanks so much for all your help. I arrived at our center and was all set to spend lots of time going through the books then I saw your messages. I do have lots of experience with that so it all works out.
I do have MyHeritage but I do not have that information with me so I will need to try it at home. I did try using ArkivDigital but I was unable to find them in the search. I do not have a birth date for either parent yet so I am sure that is why I could not find them.
Possible mentions in moving-in book but I can not seem to find him.
Here is the marriage record for Johan Jacob Schultze and Anna Greta Söderholm. It looks like Johan a widow.
It looks like on the record where he is shown as a foster child it is possible that his father is listed on the top of the page as a widow and died in 1827.
I am still looking through all that was sent. This is so helpful.
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No that is not his father at the top of the page. I think it is showing Johanna S. Schultz shown on this record.
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(Didn't see Norm had responded before posting this)
I searched in the ArkivDigital population index and found them in a household record (this is the ArkivDigital reference and the freely viewable image on RiksArkivet). The Schultz family is the second family from the top on the lefthand page.
ArkivDigital: Norrköpings S:t Olai (E) AI:15 (1814-1821)
I also located Anna Greta Söderholm in the Swedish Death Index 9. Here is the corresponding record in Riksarkivet.
The death index also gives her birthdate as 8 Mar 1792 with no place.
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@Forrest Emmett Wow!! Thank you!!