Ottenbach ZH - baptism - 1670 - Sidler - Melchior

Kent Gardiner
den 25. t(en) Augusti [1670]
Kind: Melcher.
Elter(en): Hannß Ruodj Sÿdler Wagners Sohn hir / Margareth Grobin.
Zeügen: Melcher Schneewelj allhir / Veroneck Häberlig Küffers Tochter.
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Thode says Kuffer means Cooper. My ggrandfather James Gardiner was a Cooper in Dundee, Scotland.
Allhir= in this place. This is an often used term in these records. Thanks, KG
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Ernest Thode is usually correct 😉 - including this time.
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They are old spellings.
Try Küfer - and DeepL will find cooper.
Allhir is more complicated - modern spelling would be allhier - but that's a word no longer used … just "hier" nowadays. But you did know the meaning as it is used very frequently.
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I'm sure you know this but it is very difficult to replace a knowledgable human with computer learning. Yes great translations can be done, however there are so many words involving old and new meanings and spellings that I don't think you can replace the human mind. AI is great - you are better! KG